Annual Membership

Because without u, there is no us!

Membership benefits

When you become a member of SNH your membership is active for 12 months. As a member you get the benefits of:

  1. Eligibility to nominate, stand and be elected in any position on the SNH Committee of Governance

  2. Eligibility to be appointed to any Sub- committee of SNH

  3. Eligibility to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting

  4. Share your community concerns with the Committee of Governance

  5. Receive our Community E-Bulletin

  6. Have your voice heard and contribute to the strategic direction of SNH

Complete the form below to sign up for membership of SNH. Your application will be reviewed by the Committee of Governance and you will be notified of the outcome with a welcome email.

After you complete the form please get in touch with the team to process your $5.00 membership fee.